Yum Millionaire's Cocktail Drink #SmoothieWorld | FX777 SmoothieWorld
Millionaire's Cocktail Drink #SmoothieWorld

Millionaire's Cocktail Drink #SmoothieWorld

Millionaire's Cocktail Drink #SmoothieWorld

A delicious fruity punch recipe with a heavy alcohol content that you will surely love and it can serve many on a limited budget. Pisang Ambon is a very sweet, bright green liqueur from Indonesia and is made from herbs and green bananas. It works well when blended with orange juice or orange flavored liqueur such as Cointreau.


4 ice cubes, crushed
2 whole ice cubes
1 measures Pisang Ambon
½ measure Brandy
1 measure Gin
4 measures freshly squeezed orange juice
2 tsp Freshly squeezed lemon juice
3 mint sprigs to decorate
an orange, rind to decorate


1.) Place all the ingredients except for the crushed ice into a cocktail shaker.

2.) Shake for 1 minute,or until a frost forms on the outside of the cocktail shaker.

3.) Strain into a tumbler, then add the ice cubes and the mint sprigs with the leaves pointing up.

4.) Decorate with orange rind if you prefer and serve. Serve 1.


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